This procedure does not apply to summer camp or Troop organized merit badges.
1. The Scout gets the Blue Card signed by the Scoutmaster.
2. A Merit Badge Counselor (MBC) is assigned by the Advancement Chair or Scoutmaster and then the Scout is given the signed Blue Card.
3. The MBC and Scout have a conference about the MB. They discuss in detail what is required and expected for each and every requirement. The MBC explains which part can be done at home and what is required for proof of completion. The MBC explains which of the requirements must be recorded on the MB worksheet.
4. The MBC and Scout (Initiated and requested by the Scout unless the MBC deems otherwise) will have weekly, bi-weekly or monthly status reports. This time period really depends on the complexity and length of MB in question and is set during the MBC conference) to track scouts progress and further clarify the requirements if needed. The MBC initials on the Blue Card each requirement that has been satisfactorily completed.
5. The MBC confirms compliance with the requirements. The MBC then signs the Blue Card.
6. The Scoutmaster signs the Blue Card.
7. The Scout is officially recognized (Presented MB Card and Merit Badge) at the Court of Honor. He will then be given the signed Blue Card by the Scoutmaster.